A 60-year-old man has been fined $2,000 and disqualified from driving for 15 months, after a red-light camera caught him speeding and beating the red light.
He was charged and convicted in court on July 3 for dangerous driving, said the police in a media release on Wednesday?(July 24).
The driver is the first to be prosecuted in court for a speeding violation captured by the?new speed enforcement function in a red-light camera.
The speed enforcement function in red-light cameras was progressively activated islandwide from April 1, with over 5,000 speeding violations captured since.
Red-light cameras, like other fixed enforcement cameras, are prominently painted orange and white. And they are accompanied by warning signs placed before them?stating, 'Traffic Police Camera Zone', with the road speed limit sign above it, said the police in March.?
In this case, a red-light camera at a junction along the West Coast Highway had captured the car driven by the man travelling at a speed of 111km/h at about 12.40pm on April 9.
The road speed limit for that section of the highway is 70km/h.
Motorists charged with dangerous driving can face a fine of up to $5,000, or a jail term of up to a year, or both. Offenders may also be disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles.
The police said it takes a serious view of motorists who engage in egregious driving behaviour which endangers the safety of all other road users, including speeding and running the red light.
"The police will not hesitate to take firm action against motorists who choose to flout traffic laws and endanger the safety of other road users."
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